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The above figure shows the process of depositing wATOMs and receiving token shares in the form of snATOMs. User must communicate with the Supernova twice to avoid compromising fairness, which is as follows:

  1. Deposit wATOMs.
  2. Claim snATOMs.


Let’s say userAuser_A deposits ndn_d wATOMs. Deposited wATOMs are transferred to Cosmos through IBC. Then those ATOMs are delegated through the bot’s ICA call.

userAuser_A can claim snATOMs after at least one oracle update. At that time, the protocol mints and send Δl=aL\Delta l=aL new snATOMs. The incremental ratio α\alpha is calculated as α=nd/N~\alpha = n_d / \tilde{N}. The denominator N~=N+BOBL\tilde{N}=N+B_O-B_L is an estimated value of the total delegated ATOMs to ensure no loss of user assets.


Let’s say userAuser_A deposits nin_i wATOMs for the first time in Supernova. Formula with incremental ratio Δl=aL\Delta l=aL is not available since L=0L=0. In this case, the amount of shares, Δl\Delta l is determined by the amount of staked wATOMs.